I have been a Kaiako/teacher in Early Childhood education for over 35 years. During this time I have worked in a variety of ECE settings. For the past 25 years I have worked in Kindergartens in Tamaki Makaurau. I was head teacher at Pt Chevalier Kindergarten for eleven years and have been in my current position as head teacher at Ferndale Kindergarten for the past four and a half years. During this time I have been inspired by the communities I have been privileged to have worked with.
In implementing Te Whāriki over the years I have come to know this rich, dynamic and exciting curriculum document. The wisdom behind this document has guided me not only through my teaching practice but in my everyday life as I work and learn and grow alongside others.
I have a particular interest in developing a love of nature within the heart of our Mokopuna. As I understand it if you love something you will look after it. Our world needs us each to play our part to protect and care for her.

The opportunities that arise everyday as I work alongside our mokopuna remind me of the wisdom of Peter Grey, an American psychologist , who discusses the following; “it is through play that children learn to solve their own problems, where they discover the world is not so scary after all. It is through play children discover joy, where they learn to get along with peers to see things from another point of view and practice empathy.”
Over the past three years I have been on the leadership team with the Mt Albert Kāhui Ako. An article I wrote about my early experience in this role was published in Early Education Volume 65 Spring/Summer 2019, called Building Bridges, Developing an ECE presence in Kāhui Ako. Here is the link: https://eej.ac.nz/index.php/EEJ/issue/view/1
I am excited about my new role as a facilitator with ELP as over the years it is ELP I have turned to, for inspiration, support and guidance.