Lecture / Conference Notes
Ngā pitopito kōrero me ngā whārangi whakaaturanga mai i ā mātou huihuinga
Please click on the name of the presentation to view the slides or document.
Restor(y)ing connections to learner strengths and mana in ECE assessment practice
Presented by Dr Alexandra Gunn, Universtity of Otago
Ministry of Education ECE Symposium in Hamilton – 22 May 2021
Viewing the theoretical frameworks of Te Whāriki through our shared histories
Presented by Professor Mere Berryman, Universtity of Waikato
Ministry of Education ECE Symposium in Hamilton – 22 May 2021
Exploring Ngā Ara Whai Hua: Quality Framework for Evaluation and Improvement
Presented by Education Review Office
Ministry of Education ECE Symposium in Hamilton – 22 May 2021
The Bicultural Framing of Te Whāriki
Presented by Brenda Soutar, former Tumuaki Rīwhi (Principal) at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Mana Tamariki
There is an expectation that the early childhood curriculum, within the context of our Tiriti-based approach, reflects what matters in each setting. How effectively are we reflecting, culturally and contextually, who we are and what matters here in Aotearoa?
Pōwhiri: Strengthening a Sense of Bicultural Belonging and Identity for Refugee Families
Dr Lesley Rameka, University of Waikato
The presentation explores how pōwhiri, the traditional Māori ceremony of welcome, can provide a framing to support refugee children and families develop a sense of bicultural belonging and identity in Aotearoa, New Zealand while maintaining a sense of belonging and identity to their home homelands. Each step of the powhiri process is key to developing theoretical understandings and will be articulated in terms of guiding early childhood kaiako practice and pedagogies. The framing is also useful for informing ECE teacher pedagogical practice when working with all children.
This presentation is part of a three year, Marsden funded research project, led by Professor Linda Mitchell, from Waikato University, aimed at developing a theoretical model, and strategies, that can contribute to policy and practice in early childhood education to support refugee families and children to construct a sense of belonging in NZ.
Te Whāriki: By Us, For Us, About Us
Brenda Soutar, Mana Tamariki
“Competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.”
How can our ways of knowing, being and doing authentically reflect this aspiration we have for children in Aotearoa?
Wendy Lee – A Growth Mindset – Learn It! Live It! Teach It!
Fixed mindset – Graphic by Michael Graham Richard
Growth mindset – Graphic by Michael Graham Richard
Growth and Fixed mindset – Graphic by Katherine Lynas
Mindset Questionnaire – Mindset Online
Carol Dweck Publications

Julie Killick – Planning: Diary of A Crazy Woman
Julie’s notes from her 2011 lecture
Prof. Margaret Carr – Thoughtful Teachers and Thoughtful Learners: Some Assessment Practices
Prof. Margaret Carr’s notes from her 2011 lecture
Marianne MacPherson – Exploring the Framework of Building Learning Power: Pigeon Mountain Kindergarten
Marianne’s notes from her 2011 lecture.
Kerri Iwaskow – How Can Educators Support Children Through the Arts?
Kerri’s presentation notes from her workshop
Nathan Wallis – The impact of Neuroscience on our Practice
Podcast – RadioNZ – What 3 to 7 year olds need to learn – Nathan Mikaere-Wallis
Podcast – RadioNZ – Getting Kids to Behave
Video – Compass Seminars New Zealand – Nathan Mikaere-Wallis Brain Development for Babies
Article – Brainwaves Trust Aotearoa – How are the Children doing?
Book – Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby’s Brain. Sue Gerhardt
Book – The Philosophical Baby: What Children’s Minds Tell Us About Truth, Love and the Meaning of Life. Alsion Gopnik
Book – The Science of Parenting. Margot Sutherland

Magnolia Tree Childcare – Aligning practice to philosophy
Magnolia Tree Childcare’s Powerpoint presentation from the Hamilton ASPIRE event in May 2016
Guy Claxton – Building Learning Power: The Latest News From the Horse’s Mouth (!!!)
Guy Claxton’s Powerpoint presentation from his conference at Southwell School in July 2014
Margy Whalley – ELP Conference 2011: Whakatuwhera ō Kūaha – Opening Your Doors – Stories From Pen Green
Margy Whalley’s Powerpoint presentation from her conference in 2011