About Us

Mō Mātou

Educational Leadership Project Ltd

The Educational Leadership Project (Ltd) is an independent professional learning provider established in 2000. We have Professional Learning Facilitators around the country that can travel New Zealand-wide to offer personalised in-centre support for you and your team. These are designed to inspire all those working with and alongside very young children to strengthen their knowledge, understanding and skills to make a difference in children’s learning lives.

To read more about our team of passionate Professional Learning Facilitators & Associates please click here.

We offer specifically designed programmes to support each setting’s interests.

There are two strands:

1. Our work with Strengthening Early Learning Opportunities (SELO) Ministry of Education contracts.

2. Our private strand (private in-centre support) offering specifically designed programmes tailored to support the aspirations of each setting including:

Workshops, centre visits, resources and networking opportunities focussed on building vibrant learning settings for infants, toddlers and young children.

Understanding Te Whāriki, Assessment for Learning, Planning, Dispositional learning Self Review, Challenging Environments Designed For 21st Century Learning, Transition to School.

Building children’s identities as strong, capable learners.

Literacies, mathematics, ICT, science, social competence, risk and challenge.

Staff Appraisal and mentoring support for teachers/leaders working towards gaining or renewing full practising certificates.

Governance support for centre owners, leaders and committees.

Our Approach

Our professional development programmes build long-term, sustainable, relationships with early childhood education centres and the teachers and leaders working within them. From in-centre work to research support, our goal is for our facilitators to work closely alongside teachers in early childhood settings, supporting them in their professional learning and helping them extend their knowledge while improving learning outcomes for children.

ELP’s professional learning is based on developing teachers and managers as confident pedagogical leaders, who belong to a wider community of practice and are actively engaged in improving the educational experience for children, whānau, and their communities.


How we can help

In-centre Workshops

Internal Evaluation Support

Learning Story Assessment and Guidance

Teacher Mentoring


Resources including Articles and Blogs

Stay Informed!