Ministry of Education Funded SELO Programmes
SELO – Ngā Kaupapa
Ahakoa whati te manga, e takoto ana anō te kōwhiwi.
Although the branch is broken off, the trunk remains. Misfortunes will not undermine an individual or group if the foundations are strong.
What is SELO?
SELO (Strengthening Early Learning Opportunities for children, whānau, families and communities) is a professional development programme to support early learning services. A facilitator will work with management and teachers/educators to support a shift in practice towards high quality management, teaching and learning. SELO is grouped into two programmes.
Programme 1: Support to meet licensing requirements (SELO 1)
Programme one provides in-depth professional development to early learning services to help them meet licencing requirements. This may include (but is not limited to) support for:
- governance and management
- financial management
- strategic planning
- performance management systems
- policy and procedures
- leadership and team relationships
- human resources and understanding roles and responsibilities
- health and safety
- Te Whāriki curriculum
Programme 2: Regionally allocated PLD
Regionally allocation PLD provides flexible and targeted support to services to meet the national education and learning priorities (NELP’s). This includes providing support on:
1. Inclusive early learning environments
- Create inclusive environments where diversity is valued and tamariki feel safe and are able to thrive. This may include a particular focus on:
- Supporting services and kaimahi to understand, recognise and respond to issues of racism, discrimination, and bullying.
- Understanding and supporting Māori cultural, identity and language and world views
- Understanding and supporting Pacific cultural, identity and language and world views
- Understanding and supporting tamariki with additional learning support needs.
- Engage with their community and whānau to design and deliver education that better supports the aspirations of Māori and Pacific communities.
- Create inclusive environments where diversity is valued and tamariki feel safe and are able to thrive. This may include a particular focus on:
2. Te Whāriki delivery, inclusive of early numeracy and literacy
- Deliver Te Whāriki whilst valuing the cultural knowledge each whānau and ākonga bring to their education, including supporting early numeracy and literacy skills.
3. Te reo and tikanga Māori practices
- Build their capability in te reo Māori and tikanga Māori practices and integrate this into curriculum delivery.
4. Leadership
- Build leadership capability. This may include a particular focus on:
- Pacific leadership
- Māori leadership
- Build leadership capability. This may include a particular focus on:
5. Teaching and learner support capability
- Strengthen their practice through:
- identifying gaps in capabilities and developing confidence and competence to teach diverse learners and deliver culturally responsive teaching.
- supporting children’s progress by engaging with whānau to help identify children’s next learning steps in key areas of learning such as social and emotional learning.
- Strengthen their practice through:
If you have any questions about SELO programmes please get in touch with us or your local Ministry of Education office.