Learning Story Conversations with Wendy Lee
He Whakawhitinga Kōrero Ako ki a Wendy Lee
Wendy Lee is currently Director of the Educational Leadership Project Ltd, a professional education provider for early childhood teachers, in New Zealand. She has been involved in early childhood education (ECE) for over 45 years as a teacher, tutor, lecturer, manager, professional development facilitator and researcher.
Wendy was Co Director, with Professor Margaret Carr, of the National Early Childhood Assessment and Learning Exemplar Project that developed the Kei Tua o te Pae books on assessment for learning for the NZ early childhood sector. Wendy has a deep interest in curriculum, advocacy and leadership issues in ECE. She is very enthusiastic about the power of documentation to strengthen the learner identity of children. She has co-authored books on both Learning Stories and Te Whāriki and has presented at conferences on ECE curriculum, leadership and Learning Stories all over the world.
In December 2016, Wendy was invited to Canada to be interviewed about her work on Learning Stories by Larry Prochner and Anna Kirova, both Professors of Education from the University of Alberta. Educational Leadership Project is proud to be able to share this conversation with you, as a series of seven videos. We hope you enjoy!