E tū ana au ki te tihi o Matawhaura e tū takotako rā
Ka titiro whakararo ki te iwi o Ngāti Pikiao i te waka o Te Arawa, e rere nei i ngā waikarekare o Te Rotoiti-i-kite-ai a Ihenga
Ka ū te waka ki te marae nukunuku atea o Ōpatia, Te Taheke
Kia rongo koe ki te reo pohiri o Ngāti Hinerangi/Ngāti Hinekiri e mihi nei, e karanga nei.
Tēnā tātou

My early childhood journey began 25 years ago like many others, when I enrolled my eldest child in Te Kohanga Reo and realised the incredibly complex learning and development taking place at this age. This revelation inspired me to change tact in my studies and I enrolled and completed the Diploma of ECE at Waiariki Polytech.
Transitioning from study to mahi, I was fortunate to find myself in the company of some wonderfully wise kaiako who modelled kindness, professionalism and strong practice. These formative experiences laid a strong foundation for my teaching philosophy.
I spent the next 12 years teaching and learning beside some amazing young minds. I found my niche with the older children and found much joy and satisfaction in project work and enquiries. One of my most memorable enquiries began with a young girl who came out of the wharepaku and with a deep and inquisitive look on her face asked “Roberta- what happens to pooh when it flushes down the toilet?”
In 2015 I made the difficult decision to leave the sector and took up a lecturing role at Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology teaching on the Bachelor of Education (ECE). One of the requirements of this new position was to complete an Adult Teaching qualification and it was during this time I realised that our Te Whāriki curriculum document is not just an early childhood curriculum, but rather a learners curriculum. The principles and strands relate to teaching and learning of all ages and so I have tried to remain true to this whakaaro and continued to let Te Whāriki drive my practice in the tertiary space.
Being a parent and part of a loving whānau has always been an important part of who I am, but five years ago I came to my greatest life role yet. I became a Nanny. I have my own very special experience of my grandfather Kapiti Hamiora to thank for showing me the type of unconditional love, guidance and support that shapes a young life and now that I have two precious mokopuna, I strive to follow his example.
E kore e mimiti te aroha mōu e Koro.
I look forward to working alongside you and learning from you all.
Ngā mihi