by Claire | May 5, 2021 | Environment, Learning Stories, Relationships
A Collaborative Community Story documents group experiences, trips and celebrations shared by the kindergarten community.
by Claire | May 5, 2021 | Learning Stories, Relationships
Over the past three terms we have been making fortnightly visits to St. Johns Wood to visit with the residents there.
by Claire | Apr 4, 2021 | Learning Stories, Relationships
Culture, language and identity are key concepts in Te Whāriki- the early childhood sociocultural curriculum. In an increasingly globalised world, how do teachers honour children’s individualities, their identities, languages and cultures? One answer to this complex...
by Claire | Apr 4, 2021 | Learning Stories, Relationships
Kaiako Story: Just as Learning Stories are a way of valuing and celebrating the work of our tamariki we can use teaching stories as leaders and colleagues to champion, celebrate and value the work of other kaiako.
by Claire | Apr 4, 2021 | Kaupapa Māori, Learning Stories, Relationships, Tracking Learning
Kaiako can support you to develop a connection with and knowledge of the physical and spiritual features significant to the local community through hīko and waiata.
by Claire | Apr 4, 2021 | Dispositions, Environment, Learning Stories, Relationships
Keira, you are starting your next learning journey at Greenpark School and your teachers at Greerton Early Childhood Centre want to celebrate your learning journey.