by Claire | Mar 27, 2023 | Kaupapa Māori, Kindness, Relationships, Tracking Learning
A two-part Learning Story. From the very beginning, Zara has been wrapped in the pōkeka of her whānau embrace and enveloped in a cloak of aroha, and empathy. This pōkeka has been carefully woven to take the shape of her as she learns and grows, providing her with...
by Claire | Mar 27, 2023 | Dispositions, Kindness, Relationships
I invite you all to read Eloise’s narrative assessment and highlight the learning dispositions celebrated here. Who is Eloise as a learner in our space? What Te Whāriki strands are evidenced here? How can we strengthen this assessment further? Let’s ponder...
by Claire | Mar 27, 2023 | Dispositions, Kaupapa Māori, Kindness
Te wairua o te tamaiti. The emotional, spiritual being of the child. As kaiako, we have the privilege of being part of moments with mokopuna that leave me truly humbled by their wisdom. This story about Daniel is one of these moments. We are so fortunate to have Te...
by Claire | May 5, 2021 | Dispositions, Kindness, Learning Stories
From day one I have noticed you my friend have a real affinity for all of Papatuanuku’s creatures, great and small.
by Claire | May 5, 2021 | Dispositions, Environment, Kindness, Learning Stories
Bonnie-Mae, words cannot express how proud you have been about your van trip. On numerous occasions you have shared your love of lambs.