As kaiako Te Tiriti writing learning stories for tamariki Māori, we can sometimes feel out of our depths and perhaps uncertain about robust ways of celebrating learning success through a Kaupapa Māori lens. This is a challenge I often recognise in myself as I commit my thoughts to a keyboard. Engāri, he toa taumata rau. Meet Charlie, a tamaiti with a strong mana whose ways of learning have been moulded by his whānau from the moment he came into this world. How do I know this? The kōrero I have with whānau almost on a weekly basis informs and deepens my understanding of Charlie’s uniqueness and immense potential. Their voice is a vital contribution to his assessment, enriching my own professional learning. I chose to document this moment, as I felt it was significant in his learning life and telling of his learning identity.
Te kaitiaki i Te Reo Māori. Shared by Catalina Thompson
by Claire | Apr 15, 2023 | Dispositions, Kaupapa Māori, Learning Stories