by Claire | Mar 27, 2023 | Dispositions, Environment, Infants and Toddlers, Kaupapa Māori
Here is one of our teina, deeply immersed in the flow of learning. Mana aotūroa and mana atua are flourishing as she has the freedom to explore in ways that are meaningful to her.
by Claire | Sep 28, 2021 | Infants and Toddlers
I found Koasigan and Cameron sitting on the floor together, viewing a book titled “How Your Body Works”. Cameron was turning the pages. “Look at the funny hat,” said Cameron. “Oh! That’s not a funny hat. It’s your brain. Your brain is for thinking,” said Koasigan in...
by Claire | Sep 28, 2021 | Infants and Toddlers
Beau yesterday your mum came to pick you up from Kindy in a big storm, it had been so windy a tree had fallen over on your drive way. The next day at Kindy you couldn’t wait to tell us about what you had seen. When I asked you, you told me … “The tree fell on the...
by Claire | Sep 28, 2021 | Infants and Toddlers
Tegan sat down on the couch in the book area, bringing the guitar with her. She began to play the guitar and said, “It’s working, it’s working.” I asked Tegan, “What’s working?” “My playing – it’s working.” “How do you know that it’s working?” I asked. “The birds are...
by Claire | Sep 28, 2021 | Infants and Toddlers
Over the last couple of months Jamie, Fleur, Jo, Kellie and I have been watching you explore materials and sounds in our environment. Back in April we noticed that you would bang your hands on whatever surface you were lying on. You especially liked the hard floor...
by Claire | Sep 28, 2021 | Infants and Toddlers
Roman, You love to be outside and more importantly you love to climb up and down the stairs. You have worked out your own unique way of doing this – sliding down the stairs on your tummy. What learning is happening here? Roman you are learning to experiment with...