Sounds. By Sue Fahey

Sounds. By Sue Fahey

Over the last couple of months Jamie, Fleur, Jo, Kellie and I have been watching you explore materials and sounds in our environment. Back in April we noticed that you would bang your hands on whatever surface you were lying on. You especially liked the hard floor...
Roman Explores. Shared by Lynn Rupe

Roman Explores. Shared by Lynn Rupe

Roman, You love to be outside and more importantly you love to climb up and down the stairs. You have worked out your own unique way of doing this – sliding down the stairs on your tummy. What learning is happening here? Roman you are learning to experiment with...
Paige’s Box. By Amanda King

Paige’s Box. By Amanda King

Paige, your making abilities and continual creativity blows me away! Your latest box creation is a fabulous example of the many fantastic things you design and make. What’s super special about this creation is that you have added to it Day after day-you even brought...
Maths Everywhere! By Amanda King

Maths Everywhere! By Amanda King

Georgia, Miss Williams and I have both noticed you doing so much maths in your play! Every day you are counting, comparing, measuring…. you don’t even realise all the maths learning you’re doing! Yesterday you started making hearts and bringing them to me as...
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