Learning Story Exemplars

He tauira Kōrero Ako

On this page you will find Learning Stories from Aotearoa/New Zealand, and from all over the world. Some of these stories come from previous Celebrating Learning Stories conferences, others have been written and shared with ELP as part of teachers’s learning journeys. We hope that you can enjoy these stories, and find inspiration in writing your own!

Please also take a look at our ELP Learning Story Assessment Facebook Group. This group has been created by ELP as a place for teachers to share Learning Stories. Important: please remember to seek parental permission if the learning story has a photo or alternatively take out or blur the photo before uploading.

Browse through the stories below. To find a topic you are intersted in select from the options below on the right.

搭建一 座黏糊糊的大桥

今天,你和露西在手工区忙碌着。你们想出了一个特别棒 的主意,那就是用透明胶带来搭建一座大桥。你们花了很 长的时间,非常专注地把你们的计划变成行动。你们搭的 大桥和我在一本有关大桥的书里看到的一幅图片越来越像 了。于是,我就去把书拿给你们看。

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