The Ministry of Education worked with partners to develop a package of options so that children across the education sector could continue to learn at home. Support was also prepared for households with children under five, to help parents and whānau keep their children engaged in learning through play.
The Minister of Education announced a number of ways in which to support learners at home, this included:
- Increasing the number of students who have internet access and devices.
- Delivering hard copy packs of materials for different year levels.
- Funding two television channels to broadcast education-related content – one for English medium and one for Māori medium, including content that is targeted to Pacific and other communities.
- More online resources for parents, available through the Learning from Home and Ki te Ao Mārama websites, and fast-tracking ways to connect Learning Support Coordinators with families remotely.
For children in early learning, packs were delivered to families and whānau at addresses supplied by early learning services who receive Targeted Funding for Disadvantage (TFFD). One of the services to receive this was the Carol White Family Centre.