Roskill South Kindergarten – COVID-19 response

Roskill South Kindergarten
Mount Roskill, Auckland, New Zealand

Roskill South Kindergarten is located in Mt Roskill, Auckland and is situated in a residential area of low to medium income housing. It provides education and care for children over 3 years, with the number of children enrolled being between 55 – 60 at any one time.  The Kindergarten transitioned from a sessional Kindergarten to a Kindergarten Day Model in 2014, providing 6 hour sessions that match school hours, and resulted in the teaching team increasing from 3 qualified and registered teachers to 4, a teacher assistant and a teacher aide. The Kindergarten offers 20 hours free.  40 children attend per day, children attend for 2, 3, 4 or 5 days a week.

Roskill South Kindergarten is under the umbrella of the Auckland Kindergarten Association. The Kindergarten was built in 1972 and has provided quality early childhood experiences for Roskill children and their families, for some of whom the Kindergarten has been their first introduction into the New Zealand education system. The Kindergarten has a long history of positive ERO reports. These reports note that strengths of the kindergarten were the high quality programme, the culture of kindness that has been created in this educational community, its leadership practices, and its learning environment.

The Roskill South Kindergarten community reflects the diverse demographics of urban Auckland. The current profile of learners is approximately  14 Pakeha, 4 Maori, 10 Chinese, 8 Indian, 6 Tongan, 5 Samoan, 3 Niuean,  2 Sri Lankan, 2 Pakistani, 6 other. Many children have English as an additional language and our current statistics show 17 languages are spoken within our kindergarten community. Some children are multilingual and speak 3 languages.

Karen Ramsey, Kim Parkinson, Nadine Priebs, Yasu Sakamoto

Learning Stories and reflections around Rāhui (Māori name for lockdown)

We are very happy to share a little of our documentation that relates to the period of Covid-19 . We will share a teacher reflection around the Rāhui (Māori name of lockdown). Also two pieces of documentation written by a Grandmother that Nadine, the teacher, has responded to as well as the documentation written for this child by Karen on return to the centre after lockdown.

We also have another 4 Learning Stories to share that document the return of children on their first day back after lockdown.


Teacher reflection around the Rāhui (Māori name of lockdown):

Below is an example of some documentation we received during lockdown, from a Grandmother (Grandimere)


The Learning Story below about Valentina-Joy followed, written on the first day of return after lockdown by Karen, the teacher:

Below are some Learning Stories written on the first day of return after lockdown was lifted and children returned at Level 3:




Stay Informed!