Your Brain is for Thinking. Shared by Kim Hope

Your Brain is for Thinking. Shared by Kim Hope

I found Koasigan and Cameron sitting on the floor together, viewing a book titled “How Your Body Works”. Cameron was turning the pages. “Look at the funny hat,” said Cameron. “Oh! That’s not a funny hat. It’s your brain. Your brain is for thinking,” said Koasigan in...
Tegan Plays for the Birds. Shared by Kim Hope

Tegan Plays for the Birds. Shared by Kim Hope

Tegan sat down on the couch in the book area, bringing the guitar with her. She began to play the guitar and said, “It’s working, it’s working.” I asked Tegan, “What’s working?” “My playing – it’s working.” “How do you know that it’s working?” I asked. “The birds are...
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